Platinum Contribution


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  • Access to an enhanced industry portal featuring the latest news, technical information, and essential business templates;
  • Access to the industry Research/Insights Dashboard – CaravanStats Overview;
  • Opportunities to share your content (stories/activities/case studies) on a case-by-case basis;
  • Privileged access to key industry Australian Standards through our partnership with SAI Global on their i2i platform;
  • Access to important compliance industry tools (Trade);
  • Full access to the Caravan Industry Association of Australia photo library;
  • Ability to use the “Caravan Industry Association of Australia” and “Let’s Go Caravan and Camping” logos, well recognised and regarded amongst the caravanning community;
  • Stay informed through inclusion on our newsletter distribution list;
  • Potential participation in industry working groups;
  • Exclusive discounts for exhibitor pricing at major State Association-run Industry Caravan and Camping consumer shows annually (when you are also a State Association member); and
  • Discounted pricing at the Caravan Industry Association of Australia National Conference and various other events and programs throughout the year.