The Caravan and Camping State of Industry 2021 is a comprehensive annual review of all caravanning and camping tourism figures, recreational vehicle manufacturing, caravan imports, accommodation figures and caravan and campervan registration statistics for 2020. This is discussed in context with the national economy along with historical industry trends to help inform industry of the current situation and the trajectory of the future of the caravanning and camping industry.
Published: September, 2021
Australia’s caravan and camping industry performance
in 2020 can be described as a year of halves.The first was defined by significant business closures,
economic loss, and the collapse of the tourism
industry as a devastating bushfire season collided
with a global pandemic. The second was marked by
extraordinary consumer demand that led to high levels
of manufacturing, imports, accommodation nights
and visitation as caravan and camping became
Australia’s most popular choice for holidaying.