The Caravan and Camping State of Industry 2022 is a 52 page comprehensive annual review of all caravanning and camping tourism figures, recreational vehicle manufacturing, caravan imports, accommodation figures and caravan and campervan registration statistics for 2021. This is discussed in context with the national economy along with historical industry trends to help inform industry of the current situation and the trajectory of the future of the caravanning and camping industry.
Published: May, 2022
In 2021, the caravan and camping industry continued to be a major driver
of Australia’s visitor economy and manufacturing sectors. While the broader
tourism industry remained constrained due to international border closures
and global travel restrictions, the caravan and camping visitor economy
strongly rebounded from 2020, generating 12.6 million trips and $7.4 billion
in visitor expenditure. This propelled the caravan and camping sector to
become the largest provider of accommodation for the purposes of a
holiday in Australia.